open table
Lowell’s Open Table is an independent non-profit operating out of the First Congregational Building. Open Table is a free Community Dinner every Thursday from 5-6:30pm.

Our volunteers serve a sit down style meal to anyone that gathers. Open Table was established in 2016 to address food insecurity issues in our area. It has become so much more. We regularly serve up to 150 meals a week, and it’s also a place to relax with neighbors and meet new friends. So come on in, pull up a seat because we have a place at our table for you!
There are three main reasons that we started Open Table. The baseline is that there is a significant amount of food insecurity in our community. There are many people who aren't always sure where their next meal is coming from and our goal is to meet these physical needs. The other two reasons are equally, if not even more, important, people are BUSY and people need community. Open Table seeks to give people more time. We make the mess, we clean it up and our guests are free to linger and just enjoy it! One less meal to plan, one less meal to shop for! Finally, Lowell's Open Table seeks to create a space for people to enjoy time with friends they have just not met yet! We create an environment that enables people to gather and interact in new ways and to build connections with new people. It is very heart-warming to see people making new friendships just from simply coming to a free weekly meal. We like to think this is the greatest thing we can do to build a stronger community.
Lowell Community Thanksgiving has been planned and hosted by Lowell's Open Table for the last 8 years. The Community Thanksgiving Dinner began in 2007 and has served hundreds of people over the years. The meal is traditional with all the fixins’. Individuals and families gather to enjoy the big family feel and to relax over a cup of coffee or a delicious slice of pie. Volunteers and guests alike cherish memories and flavors from the Lowell Community Thanksgiving meal.
Donations are accepted to help cover the costs of weekly meals. An annual semi-formal fundraiser is held to cover the expenses of equipment and supplies.
Like us on Facebook to find hours, weekly menus, volunteer information and additional ways that you can help us serve our community.
Volunteers are needed! Volunteers spend over 65 hours a week working at Lowell’s Open Table each year. People of all ages and abilities are encouraged to volunteer. We have no paid staff people and we do this every Thursday, 52 times a year. Every hour you or your group can share by pulling on an apron and rolling up your sleeves makes it possible for Open Table to feed our community. It all adds up. Volunteer as an individual, family or as a group or business.