We program events for young people that provide outlets for fun in a safe and nurturing environment. Movie nights, sleepovers, Cedar Point trips, ski trips, bonfires, bi-weekly meals and general hangouts are things we love to do! We regularly volunteer in our community, raising funds to assist us with making all youth group events affordable to all.
At First Congregational we believe that you don’t teach faith in God to young people. We believe that we honor young people by helping them to access what they already know. Our youth programs (middle and high school) are designed to provide opportunities to experience the world around us and to seek justice for all people. We participate in biennial community building trips to the Boundary Waters of Minnesota to build personal confidence, responsibility to care for others and stewardship to God’s beautiful creation. On alternate years we provide opportunities for youth to meet God in others by immersing young people in week long service opportunities in cities like Cleveland, Philadelphia, Chicago and Pine Ridge, SD.
We offer programming for young students, including our annual Science Camp, an alternative to traditional Bible School that helps children learn REAL SCIENCE and how to be a person of faith in the world! We believe that every child is a scientist!
We have weekly church school for children preschool through highschool age that meet during worship. All students participate in worship and then are excused for age appropriate lessons and discussions centered around deepening an understanding of what it means to be a person of faith. We honor all questions and encourage wonder in all things!
We offer a nursery during worship and also celebrate little ones who have something to say during worship!
Children of all ages are welcome to participate in all aspects of church life. Justice for all is a worthy lesson for everyone and we work hard to present age appropriate information and programming.
Please see our calendar for up to date activities and what we are doing this month for youth group! Have questions? Interested? Please reach out to Shannon Hanley